Highlights & Areas of Focus

  • Primary Care Family at Beach
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    Integrative Primary Care

    Primary care is more than just an annual check-up - it's a lifelong relationship that begins with a healthcare provider you trust. Integrative primary care emphasizes a holistic approach, combining conventional and complementary modalities, while understanding the value of multi-disciplinary care teams. At your primary care visit, you’ll receive the time and attention you deserve from your physician, working together collaboratively to develop healthcare solutions that meet all of your individual needs. From diagnostic tests and physicals exams, to emotional and spiritual considerations, integrative providers understand that your health is so much more than a symptom, a measurement, or a test result. It’s a complex network of factors that your physician must fully understand to provide you with the best care possible.

  • Dr Jaclyn Tolentino Functional Medicine
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    Functional Medicine

    The philosophy of functional medicine begins with a symptom or set of symptoms and works upstream to detect and adjust the root cause - or dysfunction - in the body. Trained Functional Medicine Practitioners know that a single symptom or disorder is often just “the tip of the iceberg” when it comes to restoring the body to its ideal function. This whole-person approach to wellness involves a deep exploration of each aspect of an individual’s health, from biological factors like mitochondrial health and cardiometabolic function, to lifestyle choices, psychological impacts, and cultural influences. Every aspect is considered to develop a personalized treatment plan that reflects a patient’s specific needs and requirements. Functional Medicine appointments may involve highly detailed initial (or intake) visits, where your physician will conduct a detailed interview - or personal medical history - to determine what aspects of your individual history may be impacting your health today.

  • hormone levels docotr chart
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    Hormone Optimization

    Hormones are our most sensitive chemical messengers, controlling many of our body’s most crucial processes and functions. Imbalanced hormones can often trigger a disruptive feedback loop in many individuals, not unlike a rollercoaster that’s difficult to get off of. Fortunately it is possible to restore the balance of hormones that have been thrown into disarray, returning the body to its natural homeostasis, where it can function and thrive best. An experienced physician certified in Hormone Optimization can work to resolve even challenging hormone imbalances, bringing relief to patients suffering from disorders like PCOS and pre-menstrual irregularities, as well as fertility issues and menopause. And it’s not just women that can suffer when hormones become misaligned; chronic fatigue, thyroid, and cortisol issues can impact everyone, and men in particular may suffer from hormones issues that can benefit from testosterone optimization.

  • Cancer Prevention doctor appointment
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    Cancer Prevention & Nutrition

    Whether you have been recently diagnosed or have concerns about potential risk factors, nutrition is a critical but often overlooked element of cancer treatment and prevention. Every stage of an oncology patient’s personal journey requires specific nutritional considerations and individualized protocols to help mitigate unwanted side effects of treatment. Oncology nutrition provides guidelines and recommendations for everything from preventing cancer, particularly for those with high risk factors for specific cancers, to nourishing the body throughout the treatment process and beyond. Conventional cancer treatment often overlooks the challenges oncology patients face in maintaining a healthy diet during treatment, and planning for a lifetime of optimal health beyond cancer. Nutritional oncology addresses these challenges head-on, with considerations for genetic factors, budget, and lifestyle needs.

  • Full Body Osteopathic Medicine
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    Osteopathic Medicine

    Perhaps you’ve noticed the initials “D.O.” after some Physician names, but what do they mean? D.O. stands for Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, one of two types of doctoral degrees awarded to physicians and surgeons in the United States. M.D.’s and D.O.’s have equivalent practice rights, privileges, and responsibilities as physicians; the difference between these degrees lies in their approach to treating and caring for the body. Osteopathic physicians understand that the human body works together as a complex and interconnected whole; often changes in one part of the body can have a ripple effect across the entire system. This holistic philosophy recognizes the innate and truly remarkable ability of the body to heal itself and approaches patient care with this in mind.

  • Men and Womens health running
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    Men’s & Women’s Health

    While men and women may both benefit from many of the same lifestyle interventions, several major differences can impact recommendations and requirements for maintaining health throughout the lifespan - particularly as we age. Hormone balancing, nutrition, dietary considerations, and physical activity evolve at every stage of life and may vary widely between men and women. Many of the same conditions may also manifest as significantly different symptoms between men and women, making the experience and expertise of a healthcare provider especially critical in ensuring a correct diagnosis and treatment. Recognizing these variations and individualized requirements is the key to providing expert care to men and women of all ages, and a crucial element in making preventative recommendations for peak health and longevity.

  • Longevity and Perfomance
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    Longevity and Performance

  • Epigentics and Nutrigeomics
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    Epigenetics & Nutrigenomics

    Epigenetics is the study of how nutrients, toxins, environmental exposures, and lifestyle impacts the expression of our genes. While genetics deals with the predetermined, molecular code we all inherit from our parents, epigenetics is concerned with how we can turn the actions of our genes on and off like a switch. Everything from emotional stressors to environmental pollution has the potential to flip the switch of our genes. Nutrigenomics, a related field of study, focuses on the place where diet and gene expression intersects, and the relationship that meeting can have on the development of disease. Understanding epigenetic factors and the nutrigenomic approach paves the way to developing targeted, personalized nutritional therapies to enhance, correct, and restore function in the body.